Original Segment Designs
This page contains historical information about the original I-4 Beyond the Ultimate program design segments. For current information about construction on segments 1A, 1B, and 5, please visit the Moving I-4 Forward website here.
This section of the website separates the original I-4 Beyond the Ultimate design segments, and organizes the Project Development and Environment documents for easy access. In addition, these pages summarize the proposed costs, funding milestones, and signature changes and features of each design segment as they were originally envisioned.
Choose a segment to view from the submenu or select an area on the map below.
Segment 1A | Segment 1B | Segment 2 | Segment 3 | Segment 4 | Segment 5
Segment 4East of U.S. 17-92 to East of S.R. 472
Segment 3East of S.R. 434 to East of U.S. 17-92
I4 Ultimate ProjectWest of Kirkman Rd. (S.R. 435) to East of S.R. 434
Segment 2West of Central Florida Pkwy. to West of Kirkman Rd. (S.R. 435)
Segment 1BEast of C.R. 522 to West of Central Florida Pkwy.
Segment 1AWest of C.R. 532 to east of C.R. 522
Segment 5West of U.S. 27 to west of C.R. 532